17 July 2024

Taxation, Tax Savings and Fun - Can you have all three?

A Q&A session on saving tax.

By Mark Cummins FCCA

Managing Director - Purple Business and Personal Accountants


Mark is the managing director of Purple Business and Personal Accountants, a premier accountancy practice providing services to clients across the whole of Dorset and beyond.


Mark will explore a range of topics relating to tax savings and provide answers to questions submitted by members.


Do you have a question that keeps you awake at night?

Or one that you cannot find the answer to?

Is it about UK taxation?

If so, send your question to Mark at:


Please note that questions must be submitted by 12:00 noon Friday 12 July.


Mark has also promised to reveal the answer to the question in the title of his talk!

13 June 2024

Emergency and Critical Care Appeal

By Simon Pearson MCIOF

Head of Charity & Social Value - Dorset County Hospital


Dorset County Hospital Charity has launched a £2.5 million Emergency & Critical Care Appeal.


Simon will explain how this money will be spent to enhance the existing Emergency Department & Critical Care Unit facilities, whilst providing additional capacity to meet current and future demands.


The project is the largest capital investment at the hospital since it opened on the current site in 1998 and will be of lasting benefit to the population it serves.

11 April 2024

Keeping Antiques Current

By William Batt

Head of Interiors

Duke's Auctioneers



William will explain to delegates how his area of expertise developed, and they will also have the opportunity to test their interest - hands on!

15 February 2024

Understanding How AI Will Impact Business

By Melanie Miller

Deputy Head of School - Business, Weymouth College


Explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the business world.


Delegates will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of AI, its current and potential applications, and the implications of its widespread use.


Topics will include the practical uses of AI in business, such as automation, machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. We will also explore the ethical implications of AI, such as data privacy and security, and the potential for job displacement.


Through discussions, and hands-on activities, delegates will gain a basic understanding of how AI is impacting the business world and the potential opportunities and risks that come with it.


After the talk, delegates should be able to think critically about how AI is shaping the future of business and how to best prepare for the changes that AI will bring.